StarNEig User's Guide  v0.1 branch
A task-based library for solving dense nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems

Prebuild binary packages (Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 20.04) are available under releases and can be installed with the following command:

$ sudo apt install ./StarNEig-v0.xx.yy-ubuntu-vv.uu.deb

The binary packages rely on mainstream StarPU packages and do not necessary provide full functionality.

For full functionality, it is recommended that StarNEig (and StarPU) are compiled from the source code, see below and/or the StarNEig User's Guide. Please consider using one of the tested release versions.


Library dependencies:

  • Linux
  • CMake 3.3 or newer
  • Portable Hardware Locality (hwloc)
  • Starpu 1.2 or 1.3
    • Newer versions require the user set the STARPU_LIBRARIES, STARPU_MPI_LIBRARIES and STARPU_INCLUDE_PATH environmental variables.
  • OpenBLAS, MKL, GotoBLAS or single-threaded BLAS library
  • MPI (optional)
  • CUDA (optional)
  • ScaLAPACK + BLACS (optional)

Test program and example code dependencies:

  • pkg-config
  • GNU Scientific Library (optional)
  • MAGMA (optional)
StarNEig supports OpenBLAS, MKL and GotoBLAS. For optimal performance, a multi-threaded variant of one of the listed BLAS libraries must be provided. StarNEig will automatically set the BLAS library to single-threaded more when necessary. If a different BLAS library is provided, then the user is responsible for setting the BLAS library to single-threaded mode. However, the use of a non-supported BLAS library can still impact the performance negatively.

StarPU 1.3.4 installation

  1. Download StarPU 1.3.4 (or newer) from
  2. Unzip the package and create/enter directory starpu-1.3.4/build
  3. Configure: $ ../configure
  4. Compile: $ make
  5. Install: $ sudo make install

The default installation path is /usr/local but this can be changed during the configuration phase ($ ../configure --prefix=...). It is something necessary to append the CPATH, LIBRARY_PATH, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environmental variables by adding the following to ~/.profile:

export CPATH=$CPATH:/usr/local/include/
export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib/

See the StarPU handbook for further instructions:


It is recommended that a user builds the library in a separate build directory:

$ cd path_to_the_top_directory/
$ mkdir build
$ cd build

The library is configured with the cmake command. In most cases, it is not necessary to give this command any additional arguments:

$ cmake ../
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /.../build

However, the library can be customized with various options. For example, the example codes and documentation generation can be enabled by setting the STARNEIG_ENABLE_EXAMPLES and STARNEIG_ENABLE_DOCS options:


The installation path can be changed during the configuration phase:

$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/somewhere/ ../
The library can be compiled separately from the other software components:
$ mkdir build-src
$ cd build-src/
$ cmake ../src/
$ make
It may sometimes be necessary to compile CUDA source files with a different compiler than what cmake uses by default. For example, some CUDA version do not support GCC compilers that are newer than GCC 5 release series. In that case cmake can be configured to use a GCC 5 release series compiler:

List of StarNEig library specific configuration options:

  • STARNEIG_ENABLE_OPTIMIZATION: Enables extra compiler optimizations (ON by default).
    • Can break portability.
  • STARNEIG_ENABLE_EXAMPLES: Enables examples (OFF by default).
  • STARNEIG_ENABLE_DOCS: Enables documentation generation (OFF by default).
  • STARNEIG_ENABLE_TESTS: : Enables test program (ON by default).
  • STARNEIG_ENABLE_FULL_TESTS: Enables additional tests (OFF by default).
  • STARNEIG_ENABLE_REFERENCE: : Enables reference MPI implementations (OFF by default).
    • A user must initialize and update the included GIT submodules.
  • STARNEIG_DISABLE_MPI: Explicitly disables the MPI support even when the system would support it (OFF by default).
    • Must be set before cmake is run for the first time.
  • STARNEIG_DISABLE_CUDA: Explicitly disables the CUDA support even when the system would support it (OFF by default).
    • Must be set before cmake is run for the first time.
  • STARNEIG_DISABLE_BLACS: Explicitly disables the ScaLAPACK/BLACS support even when the system would support it (OFF by default).
    • Must be set before cmake is run for the first time.
  • STARNEIG_ENABLE_MESSAGES: Enable basic verbose messages (ON by default).
  • STARNEIG_ENABLE_VERBOSE: Enable additional verbose messages (OFF by default).
  • STARNEIG_ENABLE_EVENTS: Enable event traces (OFF by default).
  • STARNEIG_ENABLE_EVENT_PARSER: Enable event parser (OFF by default).
  • STARNEIG_ENABLE_SANITY_CHECKS: Enables additional satiny checks. (OFF by default).
    • These checks are very expensive and should not be enabled unless absolutely necessary.
  • STARNEIG_ENABLE_PRUNING: Enable task graph pruning (ON by default).
  • STARNEIG_ENABLE_MRM: Enable multiple linear regression performance models (OFF by default).
  • STARNEIG_ENABLE_CUDA_REORDER_WINDOW: Enable CUDA-based reorder_window codelet (OFF by default).
  • STARNEIG_ENABLE_INTEGER_SCALING: Enable integer-based scaling factors (ON by default).

The following environmental variables can be used to configure the used libraries:

  • HWLOC_LIBRARIES: Portable Hardware Locality (hwloc) library.
  • MPI_LIBRARIES: C MPI library.
  • MPI_Fortran_LIBRARIES: Fortran MPI library.
  • STARPU_LIBRARIES: StarPU library.
  • GSL_LIBRARIES: GNU Scientific Library.
  • MISC_LIBRARIES: Miscellaneous libraries.

For example, if a user has a custom build ATLAS BLAS library and a matching LAPACK library that are not detected by the build system, then the user might define BLAS_LIBRARIES=/usr/local/atlas/lib/ and LAPACK_LIBRARIES=/usr/local/atlas/lib/ before calling cmake.

The following environmental variables can be used to configure include paths for the used libraries:

  • OMP_INCLUDE_PATH: OpenMP include path.
  • BLAS_INCLUDE_PATH: BLAS include path.
  • MKL_INCLUDE_PATH: MKL include path.
  • HWLOC_INCLUDE_PATH: Portable Hardware Locality (hwloc) include path.
  • MPI_INCLUDE_PATH: MPI include path.
  • STARPU_INCLUDE_PATH: StarPU include path.
  • GSL_INCLUDE_PATH: GNU Scientific Library include path.
  • MAGMA_INCLUDE_PATH: MAGMA include path.
  • MISC_INCLUDE_PATH: Miscellaneous include paths.


The library (and other software components) are compiled with the make command:

$ make
[ 99%] Building C object test/CMakeFiles/starneig-test.dir/3rdparty/matrixmarket/mmio.c.o
[100%] Linking C executable ../starneig-test
[100%] Built target starneig-test


The automated tests can be executed as follows:

$ make test
Running tests...
Test project /.../build
Start 1: simple-hessenberg
1/18 Test #1: simple-hessenberg ................... Passed 15.19 sec
Start 2: simple-hessenberg-mpi
2/18 Test #2: simple-hessenberg-mpi ............... Passed 49.59 sec
Start 17: simple-full-chain-generalized
17/18 Test #17: simple-full-chain-generalized ....... Passed 180.50 sec
Start 18: simple-full-chain-generalized-mpi
18/18 Test #18: simple-full-chain-generalized-mpi ... Passed 195.39 sec
100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 18
Total Test time (real) = 1219.47 sec

The STARNEIG_ENABLE_FULL_TESTS cmake option can be used to enable additional tests.


The library and the related header files are installed by executing:

$ sudo make install